Friday, January 22, 2016

The man in the arena

      Ever since I can remember, I've been an entrepreneur at heart.  I have always wanted to make my own way, own my own business, and be original.  Recently a coworker and friend created a blog and writes fabulously on it!  I love reading her thoughts and she inspires me daily to make my own way and search after my own dreams ( Thanks Brandi!)  I don't think I will ever be quite the writer that she is, but I think that chasing this dream will make my heart happy and that's what I'm after!  When I was in junior high I discovered baton twirling…It was definitely my first love!  I gave twirling lessons to girls in my small community and I knew that I wanted to keep doing that for years to come.  I went to college, got married, and had a beautiful baby girl.  I knew that I never wanted to take the financial risk of twirling being anything more than a "side job" so I embraced my other dream of being a teacher.  I have been a first grade teacher for almost three years now and I absolutely love going to work each day and seeing my smiling student's faces.  Teaching has held a lot of trials and tribulations for me.  I could honestly talk for days on the absolute passion, sadness, happiness, and purpose that I have found in this line of work, but don't worry, I won't!…maybe!…ok sometimes I might!!  :-)
       Anyways, I quickly found out that teaching and being a wife and mommy allowed very little time for anything else, but I think I am finally figuring some of this out!  My dream is to one day have a twirling studio, to call my own, that I can give lessons in at night or on weekends.  SO..after saying all of that, the reason that I am starting this blog is to share my experiences in crazy first grade and eventually make extra money selling products or ad space so that one day, just maybe, my dream of having a twirling studio just might come true.  Plus this is pretty fun anyway!  I have to admit, I'm a little bit of an introverted person and sharing my journey isn't so easy for me, I mean, what if I fail?!?

Well the great Teddy Roosevelt reminds me that trying and failing is way better than not trying at all!   I mean.. those are some great words right??  So come visit me every now and then and twirl through first grade with me! See you soon friends.
